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How Many Ways to Avoid Motorcycle Accidents

Riding a motorcycle is fun and gives you a unique feeling of freedom. But it has some dangers too.

Accidents on motorcycles can be terrible, causing severe injuries or even death. So, being careful and staying safe while enjoying the thrill of riding is essential.

This article will discuss some tips to help you avoid any motorcycle accidents and be safe.

How Many Ways to Avoid Motorcycle Accidents

31 Tips To Prevent Motorcycle Accidents in NJ

Here are 31 tips to prevent motorcycle accidents in New Jersey to ensure a safer ride.

1. Wear the Right Gear

Before you even kick-start your motorcycle, ensure you are geared up properly.

Wearing the right protective gear, including a helmet, gloves, jacket, pants, and boots, can significantly reduce the severity of injuries in case of an accident.

2. Make Yourself Visible

Motorcycles are smaller than cars, making them harder to spot on the road. Increase your visibility by wearing bright and reflective clothing, especially during low-light conditions.

Adding reflective strips to your bike can also enhance visibility.

3. Take a Motorcycle Safety Course

Knowledge is power in motorcycle safety. Enroll in a reputable motorcycle safety course to upgrade your skills and stay updated on the latest safety practices. It’s an investment that could save your life.

4. Keep Your Bike Well Maintained

Regular maintenance checks are crucial to ensure your motorcycle is in top condition. Before each ride, check the brakes, tires, lights, and other essential components.

A well-maintained bike is less likely to malfunction, reducing the risk of accidents.

5. Be Mindful of Door Zones

Watch out for parked cars, especially in urban areas. Be cautious of the “door zone,” where a driver might open their car door unexpectedly.

Give parked cars a vast space to avoid potential collisions.

6. Slow Down

Excessive speed is a significant factor in motorcycle accidents. Slow down and adhere to speed limits, especially in unfamiliar areas or adverse weather conditions.

It gives you more time to react to unexpected situations.

7. Look Behind You When You Stop At Intersections

When stopping at intersections, glance over your shoulder to check for approaching vehicles. Being aware of your surroundings can prevent rear-end collisions.

8. Never Ride Between Active Traffic And Parked Cars

Lane-splitting might seem time-saving, but it significantly increases the risk of accidents.

Avoid riding between active traffic and parked cars to prevent potential collisions.

9. Never Drink And Drive

Alcohol impairs judgment and coordination, increasing the likelihood of accidents. Never consume alcohol before getting on your motorcycle.

Opt for alternative transportation if you’ve been drinking.

10. Learn How To Deal With Common Road Hazards

From potholes to debris, roads present various hazards. Learn how to cross these obstacles safely to avoid accidents. Sudden jumps or holes can lead to loss of control.

11. Never Share A Lane With Another Car

Maintain your lane and avoid sharing it with other vehicles. Motorcycles need ample space to cross; lane sharing can lead to collisions.

12. Always Watch For Potential Hazards

Stay vigilant and scan the road ahead for potential hazards. This proactive approach allows you to react swiftly to unforeseen dangers.

13. Be Seen

Make yourself noticeable to other motorists. Use your headlights, even during the day, and avoid riding in blind spots. The more visible you are, the safer your ride becomes.

14. Wear a Helmet

Wearing a helmet is a no-brainer, a crucial element of motorcycle safety. Helmets protect your head in case of accidents, reducing the risk of severe head injuries.

15. Be Alert

Stay focused on the road and your surroundings. Avoid distractions like using your phone or adjusting your music while riding. Being alert increases your reaction time.

16. Beware Intersections

Intersections are hotspots for accidents. Exercise caution, and never assume other drivers see you. Proceed with care and be prepared to take immediate action if necessary.

17. Avoid Bad Weather

Adverse weather conditions can make roads slippery and reduce visibility. If possible, avoid riding in heavy rain, snow, or fog to minimize the risk of accidents.

18. A Heads-Up for Motorists

Motorists often need to notice motorcycles. Be proactive in making yourself visible to cars, especially during lane changes or turns.

Refrain from assuming other drivers are always aware of your presence.

19. Wear Bright Reflective Clothing

Bright, reflective clothing isn’t just for aesthetics; it’s a safety measure. Enhance your visibility, especially in low-light conditions, to reduce the chances of being overlooked by other motorists.

20. Riding Defensively

Anticipate potential hazards and always have an escape plan. Riding defensively means being prepared for the unexpected and avoiding risky situations.

21. Obeying Traffic Laws

Traffic laws exist for a reason. Adhering to speed limits, stop signs, and other regulations improves road safety.

22. Avoiding Distracted Riding

Just as drivers can be distracted, so can motorcyclists. Keep your focus on the road, and save phone calls or texting when you’re safely off your bike.

23. Approaching a Sharp Bend Too Fast

Crossing turns is a fundamental part of riding. Approach sharp bends cautiously, adjusting your speed to maintain control. A speedy entry into a turn can lead to accidents.

24. Getting Rear-Ended in Traffic

Maintain a safe following distance to reduce the risk of getting rear-ended. Being rear-ended is a standard motorcycle accident scenario that defensive riding can help prevent.

25. Left-Turning Cars

Be cautious when approaching intersections, especially when cars are making left turns. Drivers may misjudge your speed or fail to see you, leading to collisions.

26. A Car Switching to Your Lane

Always check your mirrors and blind spots for cars attempting to switch lanes. Sudden lane changes by other vehicles can catch motorcyclists off guard.

27. Lane Splitting

Lane splitting is legal in some places but not in others. If legal, do it cautiously and at moderate speeds. Be aware of surrounding traffic to avoid accidents.

28. Head-On Collisions

Be cautious on two-lane roads. Head-on collisions are particularly dangerous for motorcyclists. Stay in your lane and be prepared to take prompt action if necessary.

29. Convoying with Idiots

Riding in a group can be fun, but be cautious about who you ride with. Riding with inexperienced or reckless riders can increase the risk of accidents.

30. Hitting Gravel Behind a Blind Bend

Approach blind bends with caution. Gravel or debris on the road can lead to loss of traction, resulting in accidents. Slow down and navigate bends carefully.

31. Drivers or Passengers Opening Car Doors

Watch out for parked cars, and keep a safe distance to avoid collisions with doors suddenly opening. It’s a common scenario in urban areas.

See also: What Happens When You’re Injured As a Passenger on a Motorcycle?

How You Can Avoid and Deal with Accidents in General

Despite taking all precautions, accidents can still happen. In case of an accident, consult with an experienced attorney, like those at Rosengard Law Group.

They can guide you on your legal rights, potential compensation, and the steps to take after the accident.

Consult With Experienced Motorcycle Accidents Attorney

When facing the aftermath of a motorcycle accident, it is crucial to consult with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney who can navigate the complexities of the legal process and advocate for your rights.

At this challenging time, turning to a reputable law firm like Rosengard Law Group can provide the expertise and support needed to navigate the intricacies of motorcycle accident cases. 

With their dedicated team, you can trust in their proven track record and commitment to helping clients seek justice and fair compensation for their injuries and damages.


Do 70% of motorcycle accidents result in death?

While motorcycle accidents can be severe, the fatality rate varies. According to recent studies, around 14% of motorcycle accidents result in fatalities.

How can I get compensation after motorcycle accidents in New Jersey?

Consult with a skilled motorcycle accident attorney in New Jersey. They can help you navigate the legal process and pursue compensation for damages.


Enjoying the thrill of the open road on a motorcycle should always come with a commitment to safety.

By following these 31 tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and enhance your overall riding experience. 

Remember, staying vigilant, wearing the right gear, and being proactive can make all the difference between a thrilling ride and a tragic accident. Ride safely and responsibly and enjoy the freedom of the open road.

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