personal injury lawyers

Fighting for maximum injury compensation for you and your family

No Fees Until We Win

Supporting Evidence Can Help Your Compensation Claim

After a car accident, you may be facing significant medical bills and extended recovery times because of your injuries.

The accident was not your fault, but how do you prove this to the insurance company? 

Insurance companies try to limit the benefits that they provide to injury victims. They deny or delay medical care and discredit the entire claim.

You can protect yourself and build a strong case for compensation by documenting everything about your accident, starting when it happened.

Building Your Best Case

to get the maximum compensation for your claim, you will need to provide as much evidence as possible about your injuries and losses.

Working with a New Jersey car accident lawyer will help you build the best compensation claim potential.

Essential Supporting Evidence For The Accident

When you are involved in an accident, you will benefit from making sure you gather the following evidence and information:

Police Report

Make sure that you file a police report about the accident. This ensures that the police will investigate the scene and take detailed information from both parties. This report is essential to your claim.

Pictures and Videos

If you can take pictures or videos at the scene of the accident, this will help your compensation claim.

However, if your injuries will not allow you to do this, other data can be collected to help build your compensation claim.

Eyewitness Statements

If there was anyone who witnessed the accident, make sure that you get their contact information.

They can be interviewed at a later time to help build your case.

Read: Car accident attorney in Cherry Hill

Essential Supporting Evidence For The Injuries

Documenting your injury is crucial to your compensation claim. You should gather the following evidence related to your injuries:

Medical Records

All medical records of the accident and injury should be gathered as part of your compensation claim.

These documents detail the damage and the treatments necessary for recovery.

Injury Journal

It would help if you kept an accurate injury journal. Write down how the injury affects your everyday life.

Document trips to the doctor or other medical therapies and what happened at each visit.

Keep documenting your recovery to show the progression of the injury.

Essential Supporting Evidence For The Injuries

Working With An Attorney Can Help You Provide More Evidence

When building a compensation claim, you will benefit from having an attorney manage your case.

They can help provide additional forms of evidence through the use of experts that you may not have access to on your own. Some of these experts can include:

Accident Investigation Specialist

Having an accident investigator look over the evidence of the accident and investigate the scene can help confirm who was at fault and prove that you were not responsible for the event.

Medical Expert Testimony

Having a medical expert evaluate your medical records and injuries can hold much weight for your claim.

Not every doctor is an expert in a specific illness or injury. Working with a specialist who deals with your condition can significantly help your claim.

Financial Expert

Financial experts can provide a detailed picture of your losses due to your accident and injury.

They can also help establish any future losses, from medical care expenses to lost income.

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