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What Is The “Serious Injury” Threshold In New Jersey Car Accidents?

Car accidents can be life-changing events, and in New Jersey, understanding the Serious Injury threshold is crucial for victims seeking compensation.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down what constitutes a serious injury, the compensation available for qualifying victims, exceptions to the threshold, and how to process New Jersey’s no-fault insurance system.

From detailing seeking clarity on major injuries or wondering about the role of the serious injury threshold, this informative piece sheds light on crucial aspects.

What Is The "Serious Injury" Threshold In New Jersey Car Accidents?

What is Considered a “Serious Injury”?

In the context of car accidents in New Jersey, a serious injury extends beyond minor injuries like scrapes and bruises, encompassing conditions with enduring and substantial consequences.

These injuries include severe fractures and broken bones, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) affecting cognitive function or causing long-term complications, permanent disfigurement impacting appearance and mental well-being, and loss of limb due to amputation or severe damage affecting limb function.

Identifying these serious injuries is vital in determining eligibility for certain types of compensation in the after-effects of a car accident in New Jersey.

See also: What is New Jersey’s Serious Injury Threshold for Personal Injury

Compensation for Victims Meeting the Serious Injury Threshold

Understanding these economic and non-economic damages is crucial for victims seeking fair compensation after meeting the serious injury threshold in New Jersey:

1. Economic Damages

In the aftermath of a serious car accident, victims are entitled to coverage for all economic damages incurred.

This includes expenses related to surgeries, hospital stays, medications, rehabilitation, and any ongoing treatments.

For instance, if a victim requires surgery to address injuries sustained in the accident, the at-fault party’s insurance should cover these medical expenses.

Moreover, victims facing the inability to work during their recovery period can seek compensation for lost wages.

This extends to both immediate income loss and potential future income if the injuries result in a prolonged inability to work. 

Consider a scenario where a victim, due to severe injuries, is unable to return to work for several months. Compensation for lost wages would cover the income they would have earned during this period.

2. Non-Economic Damages

Beyond tangible economic losses, victims can seek compensation or non-economic damages, which encompass the physical and emotional distress caused by the accident.

This may include the pain experienced during recovery and the overall impact on the victim’s quality of life. 

For example, a victim who endures chronic pain or emotional trauma as a result of the accident is entitled to compensation for their pain and suffering.

Additionally, in cases where the accident results in psychological trauma, victims can seek recovery for emotional distress.

This includes conditions such as anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

For instance, if a victim experiences persistent nightmares or severe anxiety related to the accident, they may be eligible for compensation to address the emotional toll it has taken on their well-being.

Exceptions to the Car Accidents Serious Injury Threshold in NJ

While New Jersey has a serious injury threshold, some exceptions may allow victims to pursue compensation even if their injuries do not meet the criteria.

Exceptions include:

  1. Death: If the accident results in a fatality, surviving family members may pursue a wrongful death claim.
  2. Dismemberment: Even without meeting the strict threshold, victims who suffer dismemberment may be eligible for compensation.
  3. Significant Disfigurement: Severe disfigurement, even if not permanent, may be considered an exception.

New Jersey’s No-Fault Insurance System

In New Jersey, the no-fault insurance system is designed to streamline the compensation process for car accident victims.

Under this system, each driver’s insurance is responsible for covering their medical expenses, irrespective of fault.

However, when injuries exceed the serious injury threshold, a pivotal point in determining the severity of the harm sustained, victims gain the right to seek additional compensation. 

In such cases, they can pursue claims against the at-fault driver’s insurance for both economic damages, covering medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage, as well as non-economic damages, addressing pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and emotional distress. 

How to File a Report About Car Accidents Serious Injury Threshold

  1. Contact Law Enforcement: Ensure a police report is filed at the scene of the accident.
  2. Seek Medical Attention: Promptly seek medical care, and keep detailed records of all treatments and expenses.
  3. Contact Your Insurance: Inform your insurance company about the accident and injuries, regardless of fault.
  4. Legal Consultation: If your injuries meet the serious injury threshold, consult with an experienced car accident attorney to understand your rights and options.

Contact Car Accident Lawyers in New Jersey

When faced with the complexities of car accidents and serious injuries in New Jersey, seeking legal guidance becomes paramount.

The expertise of seasoned car accident attorneys, such as those at Rosengard Law Group, can be instrumental in processing the intricate legal landscape.

These experienced lawyers can provide invaluable assistance, helping you understand your rights, assess the extent of your damages, and guide you through the legal process. 

Whether it’s negotiating with insurance companies or representing you in court, the expertise of their dedicated team can significantly enhance your chances of securing the compensation you rightfully deserve. 


What is considered a major injury in a car accident?

Major injuries include fractures, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, organ damage, permanent disfigurement, and loss of limb.

Does New Jersey have a serious injury threshold?

Yes, New Jersey has a serious injury threshold that determines eligibility for certain types of compensation. However, there are exceptions for cases involving death, dismemberment, or significant disfigurement.


The serious injury threshold in New Jersey is essential for anyone involved in a car accident.

Victims facing significant and lasting consequences have the right to seek compensation for economic and non-economic damages.

Processing the legal landscape may seem daunting, but with the right information and legal support, victims can ensure they receive the compensation they deserve. 

If you or a loved one has experienced a serious injury in a car accident, don’t hesitate to consult with a qualified car accident attorney to protect your rights and pursue fair compensation.

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