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How Long Do I Have To Go To The Hospital After A Car Accident In NJ?

Experiencing a car accident is chaotic, and the following moments can be filled with confusion.

Especially in New Jersey, it’s essential to be aware of what to do next.

One might feel stressed by decisions, but the most important one is about health.

Should you rush to a hospital? Even if you feel alright or the injuries seem small, it’s wise to get a medical check-up. 

How Long Do I Have to Go to the Hospital after a Car Accident in NJ?

In New Jersey, particular guidelines exist on when to seek medical care after an accident.

It’s not just about immediate pain but ensuring no hidden injuries go unnoticed.

How Long After a Car Accident Can You Claim Personal Injury in New Jersey?

In New Jersey, the clock starts ticking immediately after a car accident. You’re given two years to act if you’ve been harmed.

According to New Jersey’s judicial records, a significant number fail to meet this deadline every year.

After these two years, trying to claim compensation becomes a challenging task. 

It’s essential to be prompt and informed to take advantage of potential financial support for your injuries.

What is the Importance of Seeking Medical Attention after a Car Accident?

  • Evidence for Claims: Immediate medical documentation can serve as evidence in any ensuing legal or insurance claim.
  • Unseen Injuries: Some injuries, like internal bleeding or traumatic brain injuries, might not manifest symptoms immediately.
  • Long-term Health: Prompt medical attention can prevent complications and promote faster recovery.

Most Common Injuries after a Car Accident

The following are the most common injuries that happen after a car accident: 

Whiplash: Caused by rapid back-and-forth motion of the neck.

Broken Bones: Especially common in high-impact collisions.

Cuts and Abrasions: From shattered glass or metal.

Traumatic Brain Injuries: They can result from a blow to the head or a sudden jolt.

Internal Injuries: Damage to organs, internal bleeding, and more.

Can Insurance Companies Suggest that I see the Doctor?

Insurance companies often play a role in guiding post-accident procedures.

In many cases, they might advise you to undergo a medical check-up. Why? 

Statistics show that nearly 60% of post-accident claims require detailed medical records to determine compensation amounts. 

By suggesting you see a doctor insurance companies aim to get a clearer picture of your injuries.

This ensures the claim process is fair and accurate for both parties, making it essential for injured individuals to heed such recommendations.

Consulting an Experienced Attorney in NJ

Consulting an experienced attorney in New Jersey is a wise move after an accident.

They clarify legal rights and can guide you towards just compensation.

According to the New Jersey Department of Transportation, over 270,000 reported car accidents in 2020.

Of these, a significant number sought legal representation for personal injury claims.

Which Type of Medical Services Are Included in Personal Injury in NJ?

The following medical services are included in personal injury law cases:

Emergency Room Visits

After a car accident, a quick visit to the emergency room ensures any injuries are promptly addressed, offering immediate care and peace of mind.

Specialist Consultations

It involves seeing experts like neurologists or orthopedics who provide in-depth assessments and care for specific injuries or concerns.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy aids recovery by helping individuals regain strength and movement following injuries. This ensures a smoother and more effective healing process.


Surgeries address severe injuries from accidents, mending damaged areas, and setting the foundation for a healthy recovery.

Medication and Prescriptions

It provides relief from pain and assists in healing, ensuring a comfortable and effective recovery journey after accidents.

How Long Can Someone Stay in the Hospital During Examination?

The duration of hospital stay varies depending on injury severity.

  1. Minor injuries: Few hours to a day.
  2. Severe injuries: Multiple days to weeks.
  3. Ongoing care: This might be required for rehabilitation or additional surgeries.

Act Now: Your Next Steps After an NJ Car Crash

If you’ve been in a car accident in New Jersey, it’s time to act fast. Protecting your health and rights starts with quick steps:

  1. See a Doctor: Don’t wait. Go to the hospital or your doctor right away, even if you feel okay. Quick medical help means a better chance to catch hidden injuries.
  2. Know the Law: Remember, New Jersey gives you two years to file a personal injury claim. But the sooner you start, the better.
  3. Get Expert Advice: Talk to a lawyer who knows about car accidents in New Jersey. They can help you understand what to do and make sure you get what you deserve. In fact, studies show that accident victims with lawyers often get higher compensation.
  4. Report the Accident: New Jersey needs you to report the accident within ten days if there’s a serious injury, death, or big property damage.


Is there any timeframe for reporting an accident in NJ?

Yes, typically within ten days if there’s injury, death, or property damage over $500.

What happens if someone cannot report an accident?

Failure to report can result in fines, penalties, and potential complications with insurance claims.


While the immediate aftermath of a car accident in New Jersey can be overwhelming, it’s essential to prioritize health by seeking medical attention promptly. 

Understanding the legal timelines and processes, backed by the advice of experienced professionals, ensures that one’s rights and well-being are safeguarded.

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