You know exactly how hard your financial life has become since your injury. But what you may not know is exactly how much compensation the at-fault party owes you.
That’s frustrating. We understand that. And that is why the attorneys at Rosengard Law Group work so hard to give our clients a crystal-clear picture of how much compensation they’re owed.
Economic damages—those that are financial in nature—are relatively easy to calculate. We’ll use receipts, lost wages, and various other factors to calculate them.
But non-economic damages — those that aren’t directly financial but warrant compensation nonetheless — start to make the picture less clear. This is where working with a qualified attorney can feel extremely helpful.
We’ll look deep into your case, its details, and relevant laws and cases to find every penny you may be owed. Then, we’ll make a plan to get it for you.
Here are some of the more common damages for which you may be owed compensation in your New Jersey personal injury claim:
This is an economic loss that will cover any wages that you’ve lost due to your injury. Every day that you have not been able to work will be included in this sum.
If you cannot return to work or can only return in a diminished capacity, we’ll seek future earning losses as part of this compensation.
You may also be entitled to compensation for certain benefits, such as employer contributions to your health insurance, profit sharing, and retirement account.
We’ll fight to recover all of the medical costs you have faced due to your injury, which will include the cost of future care, rehabilitation, and any long-term care costs.
We understand that medical care can be expensive. We’ll work with your provider to obtain a realistic cost for your future care and ensure your compensation package is complete.
You may have suffered personal property damages and out-of-pocket expenses as a result of your injury. Changes to your home or vehicle to accommodate your injuries and fees you paid for services you normally do but currently cannot complete because of the injury will also be included.
Pain and Suffering are types of non-economic damage. Because every injury is unique, compensation will differ for each case.
NJ Injury Attorneys at Rosengard Law Group will pull information from many sources, including your medical records, to show how much your injuries have impacted your life.
Emotional duress is very similar to pain and suffering and will be unique to your case. We may even ask that you speak with a therapist to ensure we document the extent of your emotional trauma.
If your injuries have impacted your interaction with your spouse, we may seek damages for loss of companionship. Your spouse and children may also receive loss of consortium compensation.
You may be entitled to additional forms of compensation. We’ll discuss all forms of compensation that you are entitled to based on your case. Punitive damages may be awarded if the court believes that the negligent act was done intentionally, with malice, or was the result of an overly reckless act.