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Who Can Be Sued After A Motorcycle Accident In New Jersey?

Motorcycle accidents can be devastating, leaving riders and passengers with severe injuries and financial burdens.

In New Jersey, understanding who can be held responsible after a motorcycle accident is crucial for seeking justice and compensation. 

Let’s look into the key aspects of this legal process, highlighting the importance of identifying responsible parties and the rights available to victims.

Who Can Be Sued After A Motorcycle Accident In New Jersey?

Importance of Identifying Responsible Parties

In the after-effects of a motorcycle accident, determining who is at fault is crucial for pursuing legal action.

Identifying responsible parties ensures that victims can seek compensation for their injuries and damages. 

In New Jersey, the right to sue is categorized into “limited” and “unlimited,” affecting the scope of legal actions.

1. Limited Right to Sue

Victims must meet specific criteria to pursue a lawsuit under the limited right to sue, commonly known as the verbal threshold.

This threshold is crossed if the injuries result in death, dismemberment, significant disfigurement, or permanent loss of bodily function.

Moreover, choosing the limited right to sue may limit the compensation recoverable, especially for non-economic damages like pain and suffering.

2. Unlimited Right to Sue

With the unlimited right to sue, victims can seek compensation for all types of injuries, regardless of severity.

Choosing the unlimited right to sue allows for a broader range of damages, providing a more comprehensive recovery for victims.

At-Fault Parties in Motorcycle Accidents

Determining at-fault parties is crucial in seeking compensation after a motorcycle accident. Various entities may be held responsible, including:

Negligent Drivers

One significant category of at-fault parties in motorcycle accidents is negligent drivers.

These are individuals who exhibit reckless behavior on the road, contributing to the occurrence of the accident. 

Examples of negligent behavior include distracted driving, speeding, or violating traffic laws.

If a motorcycle collision can be attributed to the actions of a negligent driver, that driver can be held accountable for the resulting injuries and damages.

Entities Responsible for Road Maintenance

Another crucial consideration in determining at-fault parties involves entities responsible for road maintenance.

If a motorcycle accident occurs due to poorly maintained roads, the entity responsible for overseeing road upkeep may be held liable. 

Bad road conditions such as potholes, uneven surfaces, or inadequate signage can contribute to accidents.

Holding the responsible entity accountable ensures that they bear the legal consequences for their failure to maintain safe road conditions.

Vehicle Manufacturers and Repair Shops

In some cases, the responsibility for a motorcycle accident may extend to vehicle manufacturers and repair shops.

If a crash is caused by a defective part in the motorcycle, the manufacturer of that part or the repair shop handling the maintenance may be held responsible for the resulting injuries. 

Defective parts can lead to malfunctions, impairing the motorcycle’s performance and causing accidents.

Identifying and holding these entities accountable is crucial for seeking compensation for the victims of such accidents.

Establishing Liability in Motorcycle Accident Cases

To successfully pursue a legal claim after a motorcycle accident, victims must establish the elements of negligence:

  1. Individuals must adhere to a standard of care to prevent harm to others on the road.
  2. If a party fails to meet the standard of care, a breach of duty occurs.
  3. It must be demonstrated that the breach of duty directly caused the injuries sustained in the accident.
  4. Victims must provide evidence of the damages suffered, including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Comparative Negligence in New Jersey

New Jersey follows a comparative negligence system, allowing for shared responsibility among parties involved in an accident.

Understanding how comparative negligence works is vital:

  1. Percentage of Fault: Each party’s contribution to the accident is assessed, and compensation is adjusted accordingly.
  2. Modified Comparative Negligence: If a victim is found to be more than 50% at fault, they may be barred from recovering damages.

See also: What Are New Jersey’s Comparative Fault Laws?

Seeking Damages from Insurance Companies

Insurance companies play a pivotal role in compensating motorcycle accident victims.

Key considerations are that the amount of compensation may be limited by the at-fault party’s insurance policy. 

Also, having an experienced attorney can strengthen negotiations with insurance companies.

See also: How Do I Seek Damages After A Hit & Run Accident?

Legal Procedures for Suing After a Motorcycle Accident

Processing the legal system after a motorcycle accident involves specific procedures:

  1. Filing a Complaint: Initiate legal proceedings by filing a formal complaint against the at-fault party.
  2. Discovery Phase: Gathering evidence, obtaining witness statements, and exchanging information with the opposing party.
  3. Negotiation and Settlement: Engaging in negotiations with the at-fault party or their insurance company to reach a fair settlement.
  4. Trial: If a settlement is not reached, the case may proceed to trial, where a judge or jury will determine liability and damages.

Call Our Experienced NJ Motorcycle Accident Attorney

If you find yourself grappling with the after-effects of a motorcycle accident in New Jersey, seeking legal guidance is paramount.

At this juncture, contacting an experienced NJ motorcycle accident attorney is crucial.

The legal team at Rosengard Law Group specializes in handling such cases with diligence and expertise, ensuring that you receive the support and compensation you rightfully deserve. 

When in need, entrusting your case to their dedicated team can be the pivotal step towards a fair resolution.


Are other motorcyclists liable in a motorcycle accident case?

Motorcyclists can be held liable if their actions contribute to an accident. Comparative negligence principles assess each party’s fault in determining compensation.

Can entities responsible for road maintenance be sued after a motorcycle accident?

Yes, if poorly maintained roads contribute to an accident, the entity responsible for road maintenance may be held liable for resulting injuries.

Are vehicle manufacturers and repair shops liable for motorcycle accidents?

Yes, if a motorcycle crash is caused by defective parts or negligent repairs, the manufacturer or repair shop may be held responsible for injuries.


Understanding who can be sued after a motorcycle accident in New Jersey is crucial for victims seeking justice and compensation.

Identifying responsible parties, processing the legal process, and choosing the right to sue are pivotal steps in securing a fair recovery. 

With the support of experienced attorneys, motorcycle accident victims can process the complexities of the legal system and obtain the compensation they rightfully deserve.

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