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How to Properly Document the Scene After a Car Accident in NJ

You didn’t see it coming. Or maybe you did, but you couldn’t stop it. Someone slammed into your vehicle on a New Jersey road.

The quiet is louder than you expect after the sounds of shattering glass and crunching metal subside. And your head fills with thoughts that are even louder:

“What happens next?” “Will I still be able to work if I’m injured?” “Who will pay my medical bills from this car accident?”

From years of experience, the personal injury lawyers at Rosengard Law Group know that getting compensation after a car accident that wasn’t your fault is one of the most important considerations immediately after your crash.

And your ability to recover the compensation you truly deserve hinges in large part on your ability to properly document the scene after a car accident in New Jersey. Without proper documentation, you’re unlikely to recover full compensation.

We’re here to help you get it exactly right. Keep reading, or reach out to our firm by contacting us online or calling 856-284-6446.

Steps to Take After a Car Accident Scene

The very first thing to do after a car accident in New Jersey is to make sure you and any passengers are OK and move to a safe place away from traffic if possible.

After that, take the following steps to make sure you’ve properly documented the scene so you can use this evidence in any resulting legal proceedings.

1- Take Pictures and Videos of the Accident Scene And Injuries

If possible and safe to do so, take photos and videos of the following: 

A person take photos to document the car accident scene in NJ
  • Your vehicle
  • Any other involved vehicles
  • The surrounding area
  • Your injuries
  • Your passengers’ injuries
  • Anything else that may be relevant to the cause or circumstances surrounding the accident

2- Obtain the Police Report

If the police haven’t already been called, call them. They will respond to the accident and write up a report detailing what they see.

Later, you’ll need that police report. It can serve as evidence in your car accident lawsuit, should you file one. If possible, ask the officers on the scene when and how you can obtain the police report.

If you experience any difficulty with this step, reach out to our NJ car accident law firm for help.

3- Obtain Information from Involved Parties and Witnesses

If possible, speak with the other driver and anyone who saw the crash occur. 

You will need insurance and contact information from the other driver. Get witnesses’ contact information, too, so they can be contacted later to give statements about what they saw happen.

Be careful not to admit any fault whatsoever when speaking with other involved parties or witnesses.

4- Get Medical Treatment and Document Injuries

Even if you feel perfectly fine, go to the doctor after your car accident. There are two key reasons for this:

Injured Victom getting emergency medical treatment
  1. Sometimes, car accident injuries aren’t immediately obvious after a crash. You need to be medically cleared to make sure you are not in further danger from any potentially hidden injuries.
  2. The medical report your healthcare provider will have to make will create a paper trail that documents your injuries from the accident. This is likely to become a key piece of evidence your attorney may use as you pursue car accident compensation.

In the meantime, keep a daily journal of your injuries, including photos and videos. Document every possible aspect of the injuries and how they are affecting your life. This can all come in handy in an auto injury lawsuit.

5- Document Bills and Receipts: Calculating Damages

Finally, keep track of everything you have to pay for as a result of your accident. That might include:

  • Medical bills
  • Car repairs
  • Lost income while you can’t work
  • Therapy

And many other items. These receipts will be critical as you and your attorney determine how much money the at-fault party or their insurance company should pay you.

The Role of a Car Accident Lawyer: Seeking Fair Compensation in NJ Today!

After you have documented your NJ car accident scene, you’re not done. You still have to actually pursue the full compensation you’re entitled to. 

Let’s be realistic: You’re going to face some pushback as you seek compensation. The insurance company doesn’t want to pay you. The at-fault driver doesn’t want to admit their mistake or recklessness. 

And life in general is stacked against you — you’re hurt, trying to juggle work and family with your injury, and seeking compensation through the NJ legal system.

It’s not a great situation to face alone. Fortunately, you don’t have to face it alone. You can hire a New Jersey car accident lawyer from Rosengard Law Group.

This is what we built our firm for: To help the victims of serious injuries that result from others’ negligence. That means we’re here for you, we know what comes next, and we know how to win.

If you’ve documented your car accident scene, we can take that and run with it in your case. And even if you haven’t, we almost certainly can still help. 

In any case, if you’re ready to seek compensation for your auto injuries, reach out to us. Call Rosengard Law Group at 856-284-6446 or contact us online to schedule a 100% free consultation.

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