Understanding Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Insurance in NJ

Personal injury protection (PIP) insurance is required for all motorists in New Jersey. It’s also known as “no-fault insurance” because it essentially ensures that if you and your passengers are injured after a car accident, the insurance company will pay for any medical expenses regardless of who was at fault. 

If you’re involved in a collision with someone lacking PIP insurance or want to pursue compensation outside of PIP, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Attorneys at Rosegard Law Group for more information.

What Is Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Insurance?

PIP insurance is a type of coverage that provides benefits to the insured driver and their passengers, even if the driver is the one responsible for the collision. 

Understanding Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Insurance in NJ

It doesn’t require a determination of fault to receive benefits from the insurance provider. While all motorists are required to have PIP insurance in New Jersey, the extent of what PIP will cover varies. 

PIP insurance can be used to cover an array of expenses following a car crash, including:

  • Lost wages. PIP is useful if someone has to take time off work due to anything related to a car crash.
  • Additional expenses. Depending on the extent of your PIP coverage, it may also cover additional items, such as childcare and household services if you’re no longer able to do those either temporarily or permanently. It can also cover funeral expenses.

PIP should be in place so that everyone inside the car is covered, but there are areas where it doesn’t apply.

  • Medical bills for the other driver and their passengers. Ideally, they will have their own PIP insurance to cover any expenses for everyone in the other vehicle.
  • Property damage. PIP doesn’t apply to damage to your car or the other vehicle. However, a comprehensive auto insurance policy should have other materials to help pay for those.

Who Needs PIP Insurance?

In New Jersey, all drivers are required to have PIP insurance. This is established so that no matter who is at fault in a car accident, all parties involved can get the care they need. It’s a way of protecting the driver and any passengers in the event something happens.

How PIP Insurance Differs from Other Types of Insurance

PIP insurance offers unique coverage that drivers should be aware of so they know what is and isn’t covered following an accident. 

The primary way in which it differs is that fault is not important. It ensures everyone in a car gets cared for regardless of who caused the collision, but that’s not the only way in which it’s different:

  • It’s mandatory. All New Jersey drivers must have PIP insurance. There are different levels of coverage you can get, and you can also decide whether you want your PIP auto coverage to apply to any healthcare-related expenses first or if you’d rather go through your normal health insurance before activating any PIP benefits.
  • Limited benefits. There’s a lot of value in PIP insurance, but there are limits. Each policy will define the specific limits for different types of coverage. 

How to Fill Out a PIP Insurance Claim

The claims process can take a while, so it’s crucial to be patient. Here are the general steps for getting expenses covered through PIP insurance:

Obtain Essential Information

You’ll need to provide all pertinent details of the crash to your insurance provider. This includes photographs, eyewitness testimony, contact information, employment information, and any doctor’s notes.

Contact Insurance Company

You want to notify your insurer right away after a crash. Stick to the facts and only tell the agent everything you absolutely know is certain.

See a Doctor

You’ll also want to get a medical checkup, even if you feel fine. The reason for this is that you need to document your injuries and try to see where they began and link them to the crash.

Complete All Necessary Forms

Your insurance company will give you a claims form. Fill out everything truthfully and submit it promptly.

Submit Supplementary Information

Your insurance provider may request additional documents, such as medical records. Submit those as well as any Police Report to paint the clearest picture possible.

New Jersey PIP Questions? We’re Here to Help

It’s possible your insurance company won’t cover everything. In that case, you may need to consider filing a lawsuit, and the team at Rosengard Law Group can help. 

We have deep experience in a variety of personal injury areas, including New Jersey car accidents, so we understand the legal ins and outs of navigating PIP insurance. We can talk more about how we will handle your lawsuit from start to finish during a no-obligation, no-fee consultation