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How Is Pain And Suffering Calculated In New Jersey?

Have you ever had a minor car accident or a big crash in New Jersey? Beyond the dents and repairs, another aspect is less tangible but equally important: the emotional and physical pain you experience afterward. 

It’s like having your favorite toy break; it’s not just about the cost of fixing it but also the sadness of losing something you love.

In New Jersey, there’s a system to put a value on these non-physical pains.

How is Pain and Suffering Calculated in New Jersey?

Curious about how they do it? Let’s understand how pain and suffering get calculated in the Garden State!

How are pain and suffering Calculated in auto accidents?

Car accidents can disrupt our daily life. Sometimes, it’s just a small bump, but what if you get hurt? There’s the apparent pain from the injury, but there’s more.

Imagine losing sleep because you keep thinking about the accident or feeling scared to drive again. These feelings and fears aren’t physical, but they matter. 

They’re like the unseen costs of filling up your car with gas. And, good news, New Jersey understands this and thinks these feelings have value.

Comprehensive Guide: Pain and Suffering

Have you ever tried distinguishing between a paper cut and a heartbreak? Both hurt, but in different ways.

Here’s a little guide to understand the two main categories:

Physical Pain and Suffering

This one’s relatively straightforward:

Actual Injury: When you have an actual injury, it means real physical harm, like when you break a bone or get a bruise on your skin. It’s something you can see and feel.

Ongoing Ailments: After an accident, some people experience lasting health issues, like constant back pain or regular headaches.

These ongoing problems, which may have started because of the accident, can affect daily life for a long time.

Emotional Pain and Suffering

Now, this is the deep end of the pool. It’s like comparing the visible crack on your phone’s screen to the unseen software glitch – both can be equally frustrating.

Mental Distress: Mental distress means struggling with the mind and feelings.

This can include feeling very sad (depression), being very worried (anxiety), or having scary memories from a bad event (PTSD) after something traumatic happens.

Emotional Scars: Emotional scars are deep feelings that stay with you after something terrible happens.

They can make you feel scared, upset, or even mad when you think about that event.

It’s like a wound or trauma, fear, or even anger related to the incident that is kept inside your heart or mind.

See also: Can you sue for pain and suffering in NJ?

Hire an attorney for your Pain and Suffering Personal Injury Claim

Imagine you’re visiting a big city you’ve never been to before. It’s easy to get lost, right? That’s how it feels when trying to understand the law.

It’s like having a friend who knows that city inside out. They know the best places, the hidden dangers, and the quickest routes.

That’s what an attorney does for you when dealing with legal issues.

Attorneys help guide you, just like a trusty map or a GPS, making sure you get where you need to go getting the money you deserve after something bad happens. They’re your genuine help in this confusing journey.

See also: New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyers

Restrictions in Law and Practical Constraints Regarding Compensation for Pain and Suffering

There’s always some fine print, right? New Jersey has its legal framework and limitations when it comes to these claims:

  • There is no set cap on damages, but societal norms and values can influence jury decisions. Simply put, there’s no fixed limit on the money you can get, but what people think is fair or right in society can affect the jury’s decision on how much to give.
  • To show you’re emotionally hurt, just saying “I’m upset” isn’t enough. You might need a doctor’s statement or an expert to speak for you to prove it.

Common Methods for calculating pain and suffering in New Jersey

Have you ever thought about how they put a price on your tough times or nights without sleep? It’s more than just a random guess!

Here are common approaches:

Multiplier Method

Your tangible expenses, like medical bills, are multiplied by a number (often between 1 and 5) based on the severity of your pain.

Per Diem Approach

A specific dollar amount is assigned for each day you suffer until you fully recover. Remember, just like choosing between cake or ice cream, the method often depends on specifics and preferences.


Do you need a calculator for pain and suffering?

Nope, but understanding methods helps!

How do personal injury lawyers calculate pain and suffering damages?

Typically, by the multiplier or per diem method.


Navigating the roads of New Jersey, both literally and legally, can have its bumps.

But understanding how pain and suffering calculations work can be like having an airbag – offering some protection in case of a collision.

Drive safe, be informed, and remember, it’s not just the visible dents that matter, but the invisible ones, too. Safe travels!

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